How to install Docker on Linux


In this TechRepublic How to Make Tech Work video, Jack Wallen shows you how to install Docker on Linux machines.

If you’re anxious to start your journey with Docker, you might not want to spend the time getting the runtime engine ready to go on Linux. If you’re not familiar with the operating system, it can be daunting to type all of those commands. Fortunately, there’s a simple script you can use to install the Docker engine, and it only requires a few simple commands. Let me show you how to do it.

This process should work on most Linux distributions, but you will need a user with sudo privileges. How do you pull this off? Let me show you.

  1. Log into your Linux machine, and download the required script with the command curl -fsSL -o
  2. Next, give the new script executable permissions with chmod u+x Run the script with the command sudo ./ This will install all of the necessary dependencies as well as the Docker runtime engine on your machine.
  3. The last thing you must do is add your user to the Docker group with the command sudo usermod -aG docker $USER.

Log out and log back in, and Docker is ready to go. You can now pull your first image and deploy your first container.

Docker doesn’t have to be a challenge from the jump. Use this simple method to install Docker, and you’ll be up and running in no time.

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